Thursday, 9 August 2007

Ballymun has shown how regeneration can be done - or has it?

Complementing our work in the Arts, Heritage and Entertainment, SEXTON+ collaborate with a range of community groups whose contribution at grass-roots equally benefits society. Most recently we where invited to represent community groups operating in Ballymun.

So is the regeneration picture rosy? SEXTON+ were commissioned by BCON (Ballymun Community Organisations Network) to brand and produce the report 'Building for Change - a community facilities strategy for Ballymun' publishing the research of SMITH EVERETT & ASSOC. & TSA CONSULTANTS. BRIAN HARVEY, Social Researcher and Chairman of BCON launched the document.

According to the Programme for Government the Regeneration of 'Ballymun has shown how it can be done'. However this report raises some doubts over that assertion. The Consultants conclude that, in Ballymun, 'tokenism has led to an erosion of social capital' (the capacity of communities to build self-organisation, skills, leadership, solidarity and 'trust') ...though, ironically, the NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FORUM highlighted the importance of Social Capital and Government encouraged it with a campaign entitled Active Citizenship.

The report is a mature and considered document which focuses energy on constructive solutions going forward.
Grab a transcript of Brian Harvey's speech and the Report from BCON: (01-883-2158)