Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Where did September go?

The last few weeks have whizzed by, with no posts to the blog am afraid.

Well it's been a busy month, but it doesn't feel much like hard work if you're there to catch your clients lash out a few tunes.

First stop a whirl-wind visit to the ROCKenSEINE festival in France for phenomenal gigs (thanks to Micheál). We had an amazing gang of guys and girls from Brittany looking after us but it was only a matter of hours before it all went bananas. It was inevitable really and so, for 3 spectacular days, we were one big Irish-Breton mess ..a very, very happy mess of course.

Next stop the gang were piling into a convoy of camper-vans for the ELECTRIC PICNIC (Ciarán's old camper was dug-out for what we all knew deep-down would be its final voyage). And there we were for another few surreal days - floating around gigs, chasing the sound of some thud-thud in some car-park or other, spinning around with person-sized 'bees' in the body & soul space (could spend the whole weekend in that joint alone). There was a mountain of stuff to do - but we still managed to squeeze-in a spin around the fair-ground and caught some wicked motor-cycle daredevils in Fossett's Circus (keeping with the spirit of the Picnic there were only human performers).

There was no competition when it came to a choice between COIS FHARRAIGE surf & music festival v. Marrakesh ...you guessed it, Morocco won (so sorry we missed MAJELLA MURPHY and KILA perform in Clare).

Might scribble a few lines on the antics when I get through this mountain of emails - you can check out the Picnic forum in the meantime if you want to catch a flavour.