Thursday, 4 October 2007

Eoin Foyle and John Reynolds re-launch the Music Centre on Curved Street

Lets face it, it never really worked as a venue. It was primarily designed for TV production - bags of public money was pumped into the MUSIC CENTRE via TEMPLE BAR PROPERTIES so the facilities were state-of-the-art. Yet it was a souless black box that lacked any sense of intimacy leaving the audience to drift towards anything that vaguely resembled a nook-n-cranny (the ramp, bar and smoking area were usually crammed leaving performers isolated).

So the relaunch party was last night and the lads have done their best to address a few of those gaping problems. In the BUTTON FACTORY, as it's now called, the back wall has been opened up so the bar and performance space are more integrated.

Keep your eyes on this spot - maybe these guys can make it work.