Monday, 8 October 2007


I expected a lot more and that was the general consensus. A few strangers told me they were enjoying themselves more hanging outside with their mates having spent EU38.

Are people really gonna put up with being shoved around in an over-crowed venue (the gig was way over-sold).

On this occasion they didn't do the usual 'dump everyone out after the gig so they can re-pay into the club after'. Security were obnoxious though - their policy was if you wander behind the barrier on way to the courtyard you pay re-admission (EU15!) regardless of fact you have a gig-stamp!

There an agressive attitude up there that wouldn't tempt me back regardless of who's performing - strange since the security-presence at JOHN REYNOLDS other gig (the ELECTRIC PICNIC) is not in the least paranoid. With POD CONCERTS making a big push to capture a slice of the lucrative events-cake they'd want to put more energy into treating their punters to a better bang for their buck.