Saturday, 18 October 2008

.a voice for children who don't have one

O2 identified IAA (Irish Autism Action) as their charity of choice in 2005. October 08 sees them launch an Affinity scheme for the ABA Schools nationally - they will donate 5% of a customers bill to the schools. This will apply to both prepay and billed users.

The 5% comes out of O2's take and costs the customer absolutely nothing. The customer should FREEtext AUTISM to 50308.
(NB. sending the text is free!)

If you/your company decide to sign up & don’t have a preference for a school for the donation, FIDELMA's friend’s nephew is in:
St. Catherines
Co. Wicklow
...they could really do with the extra funding.

To specify that your donation go to that specific school she would need your mobile number and bill payers name for O2
(forward back to us & we'll pass it on).

For more info:
this O2 webpage explains the scheme